Local Commercial Locksmith Defends Companies

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Having a local commercial locksmith on hand can prove a powerful defense against burglars. An estimated nine percent of small businesses suffered a burglary last year. A commercial locksmith can help you to adjust and prioritize the most important elements to stay safe from burglars. You want to move ahead with confidence and some of the services that a commercial locksmith can perform for you include:

Rekeying Your Doors

Most commercial locksmiths recommend that you rekey your doors every six months to a year. If you had a particularly nasty firing where you sacked an employee, you may want to rekey it right away. Businesses are most vulnerable after a firing because the employee could return to cause damage. You may want to rekey even more often like every three months if you have dozens of employees moving through your company because this increases the risk. During one study, researchers learned that many burglaries at businesses happen because of personnel changes.

Burglars Hit Multiple Times

Never assume that a single burglary will appease a criminal. Many times, the burglar will act his most cautious during the first burglary. He might hit the business multiple times as he grows more comfortable with it. If you don’t take actions to tighten security and replace and repair damaged locks, you can lose an average of $8,000 for each burglary. Even if you have business insurance, their policies don’t cover everything, and you could find yourself paying more for insurance because of multiple break-ins. Local commercial locksmith will perform an expert security assessment of the premises to strengthen the weaknesses on your property. If you have a back door with a weak lock, he might upgrade it. For an unlit property, he might advise you to buy motion-sensor lighting.

CCTV Camera Installation

CCTV security cameras won’t stop a determined burglar, but they might discourage it. Local commercial locksmith can help you to install CCTV cameras using the best industry practices to guarantee that your cameras will capture crimes. You might install other advanced technologies, such as window sensors, door sensors, an alarm system and automatic door locks. Because commercial locksmiths work in security, they understand the best practices from hearing what works and what doesn’t.

Local Commercial Locksmith

After a burglary, you will question your security and how to prevent future break-ins. Could a stronger door discourage future attempts? Local commercial locksmiths can install a variety of commercial doors that include pivot doors, fire-proof doors and hollow doors to increase protection. He checks to see that the door works properly. No business owner wants to buy an expensive security door and install it, only to learn that a burglary happened because he didn’t install it properly. Correct installation from a commercial locksmith lowers maintenance costs and eliminates the risk of a break-in.

Install High Security Locks

Commercial locksmiths like the ones at DS Locksmith North Wales can install drill proof and pick proof locks for your business. This won’t necessarily stop a break-in, but you prevent the burglar from coming in through the front door. High-security locks will use hardened steel bolts that can withstand a bludgeoning attack. This stops kicks, sledgehammers, battering rams and shoulder strikes. Cut resistance means that criminals can’t saw through the lock with a hacksaw.

Everyday Help to Improve Security

At DS Locksmith in North Wales, we have helped customers with a variety of business needs. We have helped with forgotten codes, lost keys and safe openings. As a business, you want to improve productivity and eliminate wasted time. A commercial locksmith handles the small things related to security as much as the big. It isn’t always the burglar that steals from you, but lost time from things that destroy a productive day.

Update Your Security

Criminals love to target old buildings because the outdated security usually means that they can bypass the system easily. Burglars strike fast. The average burglary lasts anywhere from 90 seconds up to 12 minutes, based on statistics from the FBI. With better technology, you can take advantage of the latest improvements to security such as access control and automation. Commercial locksmiths will have an eye for where to spend on security so that you don’t waste money. They serve as excellent security advisors.

Insured for Locksmith Work

Commercial locksmiths hand you the advantage of liability. Because reputable commercial locksmith services will be insured, they assume responsibility if something gets lost while you’re repairing the property. This also covers damages that a locksmith might unknowingly cause. If you tried to add security to the business on your own, you will be on the hook.


You want to keep your property safe from the unwanted attention of a burglar. A commercial locksmith offers you a viable way to update your security. Especially if you have suffered a break-in within the last couple of weeks, you must act immediately. Burglars that see value on a property could hit it again and again without the right security precautions. You don’t have to give them the key to your wealth. In many cases, criminals look for easy targets with high value. They won’t bother with a property that has too much security because they don’t want to get caught.


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